Part #: FIB439
Mfg. Price:
Price: $38.87
• 1K Polyester Technology (Patent-Pending)"
• Increases productivity
• Reduces risk of potential defects
• No sanding required.
• Increases productivity
• Reduces cycle time"
• Easy wipe-on/wipe-off application
• Easy-to-use for technicians of varying skill levels
• Increases productivity
• Increases efficiency
• Ready-to-prime (when used properly)
• Faster drying and less solvents than abusing primer to "fix" pinholes.
• Increases productivity
• Reduces cycle time
• Assures quality
• Fixes hard-to-see micro-pinholes before the repair goes to primer.
• Eliminates up to 90% of all rework caused by micro-pinholes (when used properly)
• Increases productivity
• Assures quality
• Saves money